Tailored Workshops and Facilitation

CEQ have a strong background in consulting and in delivering highly tailored interventions. We are able to cover the whole spectrum of a client company’s needs, from full design and project management, to being a smaller part of a broader transformation programme and all stations in between.

Our in-house experience as senior operational executives, combined with our world class methodologies in Coaching, Leadership and Change, means we are uniquely equipped to engage with you at the earliest stage of your thinking. Whether you are planning an organisation-wide transformation, or a relatively straightforward L&D curriculum, we will spend time understanding your needs, whilst at the same time adding value through our inputs, even prior to you formally engaging us. 

We will help you assess not only the most effective interventions, but which of those interventions need to be delivered by external agents (and therefore which can be delivered through your own internal resources). Our role is to add huge value, not simply to sell you programmes and certainly not to build dependency upon us. 

As part of our enquiry process, we will work to understand the context for the changes and developments you are striving for. We work to understand your Mission, Vision and Values and to tie our interventions back to these as guiding goals and principles. We work to understand your business strategy and your operating model, in order to ensure that all L&D activities we design are in support of these guiding plans. 

Finally we work with your own proven and trusted people processes, because it is essential that any Coaching, Leadership and Change workshops or programmes we deliver both acknowledge and promote a client company internal processes around people management. We are not in the business of creating bright shiny new fads that implicitly devalue existing people processes, and which will surely be destined to be superseded within a few short months. 

Our Coaching programmes are the foundation stone of the consistency of our success in client engagements, and they will be for you too. Our Leadership programmes work because they are both pragmatic and inspirational. Our Change programmes are hugely effective because they deliver embedded cultural change and because they support the operating model.

 The CEQ approach simply delivers the greatest embedded change within the most cost effective budget. And the change commences from the moment of first contact with us.